Wednesday, February 09, 2005

trainings and retreats

A few weeks ago, I participated in the National Playground Safety Institute in Columbia, MD. After this 2-day course, I took a 2-hour test to become a Certified Playground Safety Inspector... The bottom line is that I'll be a better playground project manager with this certification, but the curse is that I will never be able to look at a playground the same way again. :)

The week following this training, I joined my entire staff (38 people from D.C., Chicago, Atlanta and Redwood City, CA) for an all-staff retreat (and then a project management retreat for 14 of us afterward) at the Hershey Hotel in PA. It was really exciting to re-discover the incredible matrix of this non-profit and to learn all about how it will expand. I feel so honored to have the opportunity to be a part of this organization, but sometimes I ask myself, why me? How do I have this chance?... Enough with the doubt. I'm just excited about advocating for play, about empowering community groups to organize and create social change, and about building 188 playspaces (total) across North America over the next year! Yay for kids!

This week I'm in Orlando, FL, for the National Playground Contractor's Association. Project Management sent three of us to learn all the tricks of the trade in laying out and constructing playgrounds so we can train the other project managers... You may be asking yourself, How come she's doing this training? I thought she'd already been building playgrounds... Well, we've never learned the specifics about reading playground blueprints, laying out holes from a footing datum, using a laser level to transit holes, etc... Sound interesting?... Yeah, it will probably be loads of fun... Okay, maybe not fun, but probably educational and beneficial for work.

work... work... work... I've got to get my head out of work. Write and take me away if you please.

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