From the director of program management (12/10):
[This week] Hope was in Panama City leading a build with The Home Depot and the Boys and Girls Club of Bay County. She and Bobby (her Second)definitely appreciated the good Florida weather. Hope ran a good Build Day and in spite of a lower turnout than expected - throughout the day there were 70 volunteers from The Home Depot and 40 from the community but only 50 of these volunteers worked at any given time. CJ did the install and did an OK job. In addition to building the playground and carrying the mulch, a few volunteers helped to fix up a sandbox and paint logos (of The Home Depot, KaBOOM! and the Boys and Girls Club) on the walls of a building that faced the playground. They volunteers enjoyed the beautiful weather and the edlicious breakfast of French Toast and sausage which was provided and cooked by a Board Member! In addition, the kids inspired the volunteers with the cheers they led at the Board Cutting. There was a lot of media out for the build, including NBC (who came out twice), ABC, The News Herald (a local paper) and 2 radio stations who did live remotes and also helped volunteer! The day ended with an on-time Board Cutting ceremony where the kids did cheers for the volunteers.
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