Too bad the stress is not quite over. I still have to write an 8-to-10-page paper (in an elaborate response to Eduardo Galeano’s Open Veins of Latin America) by Tuesday and I still don’t know how or what about.
Plus, I also need to do all the last minute soaking in… of the culture, the beach, the warm weather (tonight it’s 27° C, or ~85° F ?), time with my host family, time with the other students in the group, the language, and the Brazilian crafts, music, clothes, night, and people. I’m SO ready to be done with the academic semester and to see my family again, but I’m also not ready to leave Brazil. Oh, what saudades! (which means everything from longing for something, to feeling like something’s missing, to being sentimental about something that soon won’t be there anymore, etc.)
The last 2 ½ weeks of my stay in Salvador were great but far too short. When I wasn’t doing field research (i.e. interviewing folks, observing them in their environments, reading material, etc.), I hung out with either my host cousin or an awesome girl I met from New York, Inasia. I also went to an Olodum concert/show (they’re a famous “afro-bloco” group, a hip hop show, and a “roda de samba” (samba music jam circle), among a few others… Overall, Salvador was great! I loved it there. The people are so beautiful and loving… I was sad to leave.
Now that the semester is (nearly) over, I will fly home next Friday night, spend Christmas with my family in CT, drive back to NC with my sibs, and start school on January 7 (already!!!). Crazy, no?
So if you ever want to know what’s going on with me or if you just want to drop me a line, email me.
i'll try to share more details and memories later. right now i've gotta worry about that paper and my final days in Brazil.
Until then, take care and spread the love!
P.S. Once I have the chance to edit and fine tune my paper, i'll create a link of it and attach it to the blog.
P.S. Once I have the chance to edit and fine tune my paper, i'll create a link of it and attach it to the blog.